PAC - 1960 to 2024
Newsletter February 2024
‘Penrith from Beacon Edge’ by Margaret Jones
Chairman’s statement
It gives me great pleasure to issue the first Newsletter of 2024. After a well-attended AGM the new Committee was appointed and some of us will be new to many members. Time will bring us together and I trust that we will serve you well. The first Committee meeting has been held 13/02/24.
The structure of the Committee is simple: -
Gerard Pape – Chairman, Trips and Knowledge share.
Lara Cowley - Club Secretary
John Temple – Vice chairman, Life in Eden and Outdoor sessions
Teresa Green – Club Treasurer
Helen Grainger Barnes – Exhibition, Club Nights from July 2024.
Helen Clark – Committee Member without portfolio.
Lisa Chadwick – Website, Facebook and Club promotion, Lisa has yet to be formally appointed and is presenting to the Committee later in February. 2024
Note - Chris Broadbent will continue with the responsibility for workshops but has retired the Committee
All members of the Committee have very clear roles and their energy will extend beyond the simple descriptions above.
The objective of the Club as stated in it’s formation in 1960 was “for the encouragement and practice of art and for the holding of exhibitions” that objective remains central to our purpose, although the activities of the Club have expanded greatly over the years in meeting this objective. I consider this to apply to anyone interested in art, as well as practitioners and that we should be encouraging membership accordingly.
The role of the Committee is to ensure that the above objective is maintained and to focus on the longevity of the Club, to look forward and to engage with our membership to meet their wishes.
To facilitate this we propose to introduce some simple actions: -
· A major drive to bring the Club website up-to-date and for it to be maintained in synergy with the Club face-book page so that our news, programmes of events and new ideas are clear to all members and prospective members
· The introduction of a Penrith Art Club email account so that communications have one focal point, no individual is burdened with a barrage of emails on personal email accounts and we can have a speedy and considered response to all queries.
· We have introduced a communications protocol within the Committee, so that there is clarity of who does what, when and without the need for reinvention
· We propose to introduce a member’s page into the Website where views can be expressed, recommendations tabled, questions raised on all matters and which gives transparency of the answers given.
· Explore how we can share the wealth of knowledge within the Club and make the most of external alliances which could benefit the Club.
· Look to expand the works within the Club to cover all 2D, 3D works, textiles, sculpture, ceramics and high-quality wood turning. This will require help from the Membership.
………………………………and the list will go on
I hope that this gives you some idea as to how we wish to proceed and please remember that membership engagement is key to our success.
I hope that we all feel a sense of excitement, I certainly do,
We are currently waiting for one of the following to confirm that they will present at the Club Night of 23 rd April
· one of the curators at Blackwell Arts and Crafts House, Windermere
· one of the curators at Abbot Hall, Kendal
Both are excellent establishments and whichever is chosen, we propose to hold out first trip of the year to that venue, armed with the knowledge gained at the Club night. Planned trip date 30th April 2024
Considering that they are both local venues, it is proposed that we car share and individuals pay their own entry fees. Entry fees appear to £9.00 pp with discounts for Art Fund members.
Meet for coffee inside then circulate and chat as the morning goes on with no fixed time on the end of the trip.
We do need to give fair warning to either venue that we wish to visit as a party, so can anyone interested please get in touch so that we can take matters forward. Tickets for both venues must be booked on line.
This will be our first Spring Trip and any interested members should contact Gerard directly – [email protected], 07483 810659,
7 Arthur Street, Penrith, CA11 7TT.
Thanks, Gerard
Next 3 Clubnights
Don't forget this month’s club night 27th Feb, 7.15pm at the Haydock Centre. It’s a practical evening – ‘Working from a Photograph’ - Bring a photograph to work from and art materials. There will be examples of composition approaches and some watercolour techniques to have a go with. It would be great if members have a go and also share their own ideas, expertise and tips. Some photos will be available to use if you don't want to bring your own. Should be a fun evening!
· March - Tuesday 26th - Watercolour Demo with Jason Skill, taking a break from teaching at Higham Hall, to enlighten the Club with his advice. Predominantly landscape and seascapes.
· April - Tuesday 23rd - Illustrated Talk about Blackwell Arts and Craft House, currently being finalised with one of the curators.
PAC - 1960 to 2024
Newsletter February 2024
‘Penrith from Beacon Edge’ by Margaret Jones
Chairman’s statement
It gives me great pleasure to issue the first Newsletter of 2024. After a well-attended AGM the new Committee was appointed and some of us will be new to many members. Time will bring us together and I trust that we will serve you well. The first Committee meeting has been held 13/02/24.
The structure of the Committee is simple: -
Gerard Pape – Chairman, Trips and Knowledge share.
Lara Cowley - Club Secretary
John Temple – Vice chairman, Life in Eden and Outdoor sessions
Teresa Green – Club Treasurer
Helen Grainger Barnes – Exhibition, Club Nights from July 2024.
Helen Clark – Committee Member without portfolio.
Lisa Chadwick – Website, Facebook and Club promotion, Lisa has yet to be formally appointed and is presenting to the Committee later in February. 2024
Note - Chris Broadbent will continue with the responsibility for workshops but has retired the Committee
All members of the Committee have very clear roles and their energy will extend beyond the simple descriptions above.
The objective of the Club as stated in it’s formation in 1960 was “for the encouragement and practice of art and for the holding of exhibitions” that objective remains central to our purpose, although the activities of the Club have expanded greatly over the years in meeting this objective. I consider this to apply to anyone interested in art, as well as practitioners and that we should be encouraging membership accordingly.
The role of the Committee is to ensure that the above objective is maintained and to focus on the longevity of the Club, to look forward and to engage with our membership to meet their wishes.
To facilitate this we propose to introduce some simple actions: -
· A major drive to bring the Club website up-to-date and for it to be maintained in synergy with the Club face-book page so that our news, programmes of events and new ideas are clear to all members and prospective members
· The introduction of a Penrith Art Club email account so that communications have one focal point, no individual is burdened with a barrage of emails on personal email accounts and we can have a speedy and considered response to all queries.
· We have introduced a communications protocol within the Committee, so that there is clarity of who does what, when and without the need for reinvention
· We propose to introduce a member’s page into the Website where views can be expressed, recommendations tabled, questions raised on all matters and which gives transparency of the answers given.
· Explore how we can share the wealth of knowledge within the Club and make the most of external alliances which could benefit the Club.
· Look to expand the works within the Club to cover all 2D, 3D works, textiles, sculpture, ceramics and high-quality wood turning. This will require help from the Membership.
………………………………and the list will go on
I hope that this gives you some idea as to how we wish to proceed and please remember that membership engagement is key to our success.
I hope that we all feel a sense of excitement, I certainly do,
We are currently waiting for one of the following to confirm that they will present at the Club Night of 23 rd April
· one of the curators at Blackwell Arts and Crafts House, Windermere
· one of the curators at Abbot Hall, Kendal
Both are excellent establishments and whichever is chosen, we propose to hold out first trip of the year to that venue, armed with the knowledge gained at the Club night. Planned trip date 30th April 2024
Considering that they are both local venues, it is proposed that we car share and individuals pay their own entry fees. Entry fees appear to £9.00 pp with discounts for Art Fund members.
Meet for coffee inside then circulate and chat as the morning goes on with no fixed time on the end of the trip.
We do need to give fair warning to either venue that we wish to visit as a party, so can anyone interested please get in touch so that we can take matters forward. Tickets for both venues must be booked on line.
This will be our first Spring Trip and any interested members should contact Gerard directly – [email protected], 07483 810659,
7 Arthur Street, Penrith, CA11 7TT.
Thanks, Gerard
Next 3 Clubnights
Don't forget this month’s club night 27th Feb, 7.15pm at the Haydock Centre. It’s a practical evening – ‘Working from a Photograph’ - Bring a photograph to work from and art materials. There will be examples of composition approaches and some watercolour techniques to have a go with. It would be great if members have a go and also share their own ideas, expertise and tips. Some photos will be available to use if you don't want to bring your own. Should be a fun evening!
· March - Tuesday 26th - Watercolour Demo with Jason Skill, taking a break from teaching at Higham Hall, to enlighten the Club with his advice. Predominantly landscape and seascapes.
· April - Tuesday 23rd - Illustrated Talk about Blackwell Arts and Craft House, currently being finalised with one of the curators.