PAC - Newsletter April 2024
Chairman’s statement
Here is our Newsletter for April 2024. Thank you to everyone who sent in a logo design, the successful member for the PAC logo is Hazel Bryce, with the logo below. Many thanks Hazel, this will be used on our website, future newsletters etc
For me, Spring is here, unpredictable weather but with some lovely days and lots of fresh growth and colours around us. Bringing the same feeling of optimism as we have for PAC in 2024 and beyond.
We are ready to launch our new website and will need members support to make it a success. The content is like the previous website but in a different format. The introduction of a member’s page is new and we want to continue with the Gallery section but are starting this afresh. We need member’s engagement to make both a success, so please take the opportunity for active exchanges on the members page and if you wish to be part of the Galleries section then please get in touch.
The member’s page is for Q&A with the Committee but more importantly for the exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge between members. Please help us to launch this section of the website as the Club has a wealth of knowledge to share.
The proposal for the Gallery is that images are renewed at a maximum of 6 months and all members wishing to participate should have an updated Artist’s profile in place.
The compilation of the website has been carried out by Lisa Chadwick and Lisa will continue to provide technical support. Lara Cowley our Club Secretary will take responsibility for updating the website content and membership engagement. So please get in touch through the website or [email protected].
There will be a link from our Facebook page to the website. Helen Grainger Barnes has stepped forward to coordinate and update the PAC Facebook page.
Following on from our Newsletter of February 2024, we have introduced 2 sub-committees to address the following:-
Situations vacant
There is a vacancy for a Committee Member to take responsibility for Workshops. Chris Broadbent has provided a valiant service organising workshops over the years, in addition to her role as Chair. Chris has requested that we find a replacement for her from the end of the year. Any members interested should get in touch as soon as possible. Administrative support will be available. This is a challenging but very interesting position to have.
Club nights
Support for club nights this year has been very encouraging. The next three Club nights are
Places are available on the next three Workshops
Preparation for the Annual Exhibition is well underway and the Parish Rooms have been booked for 10th to 18th August. As usual we will be looking for members support in the set up and marshalling of the exhibition.
Life in Eden and Outdoor sessions
Thanks to John Temple for completing another very good season of Life in Eden and the Tuesday Outdoor sessions start again 30th April in Langwathby.
After the success of last year’s trip to the Laing Art Gallery, we are in the process of arranging our annual winter trip and this year we are planning to visit The Burrell Collection, Glasgow. Transport will be either by the Fellrunner or Alba Coaches at a cost of approximately £30 per head, pending the numbers who wish to go. The trip will also be open to members of Keswick Society for Art and U3A sketching groups. The trip will be held in September and more details will follow shortly. Entry to this well renowned museum and gallery is free.
Thanks to members
This only leaves me to thank all members for their ongoing support in this first quarter of 2025 and to welcome 12 new members to the Club.
Looking forward to another successful period of enjoying and exploring art together.
Many thanks,
Chairman’s statement
Here is our Newsletter for April 2024. Thank you to everyone who sent in a logo design, the successful member for the PAC logo is Hazel Bryce, with the logo below. Many thanks Hazel, this will be used on our website, future newsletters etc
For me, Spring is here, unpredictable weather but with some lovely days and lots of fresh growth and colours around us. Bringing the same feeling of optimism as we have for PAC in 2024 and beyond.
We are ready to launch our new website and will need members support to make it a success. The content is like the previous website but in a different format. The introduction of a member’s page is new and we want to continue with the Gallery section but are starting this afresh. We need member’s engagement to make both a success, so please take the opportunity for active exchanges on the members page and if you wish to be part of the Galleries section then please get in touch.
The member’s page is for Q&A with the Committee but more importantly for the exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge between members. Please help us to launch this section of the website as the Club has a wealth of knowledge to share.
The proposal for the Gallery is that images are renewed at a maximum of 6 months and all members wishing to participate should have an updated Artist’s profile in place.
The compilation of the website has been carried out by Lisa Chadwick and Lisa will continue to provide technical support. Lara Cowley our Club Secretary will take responsibility for updating the website content and membership engagement. So please get in touch through the website or [email protected].
There will be a link from our Facebook page to the website. Helen Grainger Barnes has stepped forward to coordinate and update the PAC Facebook page.
Following on from our Newsletter of February 2024, we have introduced 2 sub-committees to address the following:-
- Membership engagement, into which knowledge share will be included. What do our members want from the Club? This group will be led by Helen Clark.
- Longevity of the Club, which is heavily reliant on future membership, in numbers, age and breadth of art interests. Within this we will review the range of works and activities for the present and the future of the Club. This group will be led by myself.
Situations vacant
There is a vacancy for a Committee Member to take responsibility for Workshops. Chris Broadbent has provided a valiant service organising workshops over the years, in addition to her role as Chair. Chris has requested that we find a replacement for her from the end of the year. Any members interested should get in touch as soon as possible. Administrative support will be available. This is a challenging but very interesting position to have.
Club nights
Support for club nights this year has been very encouraging. The next three Club nights are
- April – Abstract Floral – Lynn Evans
- May – Pastel demonstration – Elise Hendry
- June – Critique evening – Dorothy Ramsay
Places are available on the next three Workshops
- 27th April – Mixed media – Jane Ward
- 18th May – 3D Plaster Plaques – Roma Short
- 8th June Sketching – Pam Grant
Preparation for the Annual Exhibition is well underway and the Parish Rooms have been booked for 10th to 18th August. As usual we will be looking for members support in the set up and marshalling of the exhibition.
Life in Eden and Outdoor sessions
Thanks to John Temple for completing another very good season of Life in Eden and the Tuesday Outdoor sessions start again 30th April in Langwathby.
After the success of last year’s trip to the Laing Art Gallery, we are in the process of arranging our annual winter trip and this year we are planning to visit The Burrell Collection, Glasgow. Transport will be either by the Fellrunner or Alba Coaches at a cost of approximately £30 per head, pending the numbers who wish to go. The trip will also be open to members of Keswick Society for Art and U3A sketching groups. The trip will be held in September and more details will follow shortly. Entry to this well renowned museum and gallery is free.
Thanks to members
This only leaves me to thank all members for their ongoing support in this first quarter of 2025 and to welcome 12 new members to the Club.
Looking forward to another successful period of enjoying and exploring art together.
Many thanks,