Catherine Macdiarmid’s workshop. A Portrait in Watercolour. CLIBURN Village Hall
10am – 4pm £34.00 Sat. September 7th. W/S 5
Catherine Says:
We will be working from photos, so everyone will need to bring a good quality image to paint - this can be on an iPad but you must also bring an A4 copy of it which doesn’t have to be great quality. This is so the image can be traced if necessary. I think the bigger the image is the better, so a head that is bigger than hand size. Good lighting is also important for the image. If people want to prep an initial drawing before the class they are welcome to - the head can be drawn out onto 3x watercolour paper, very lightly and done with little rubbing out(rubbing out can damage the paper texture). We will be doing more than one probably, and it will give people opportunity to practice.
Availability: Yes
Contact: [email protected]
Julia Garner. Lino Printing. Sat. Oct.5th. Langwathby Village Hall
10am -4pm £37.00
In this workshop, Julia will briefly introduce you to the history of lino cutting and the work of different artists. She'll explain what constitutes a good design before demonstrating cutting and printing techniques. You will create and print several images and have the choice of working in either traditional lino or the easier to cut 'soft cut'.
Availability: Yes
Contact: [email protected]
10am -4pm £37.00
In this workshop, Julia will briefly introduce you to the history of lino cutting and the work of different artists. She'll explain what constitutes a good design before demonstrating cutting and printing techniques. You will create and print several images and have the choice of working in either traditional lino or the easier to cut 'soft cut'.
Availability: Yes
Contact: [email protected]
Painting Rocks and Mountains. In any Medium. Sat November 2nd.
Langwathby Village Hall £36.00 Workshop 7.
Jason Says:
Painting mountains is a delight in any medium. You can paint them to look broody and ominous or light and ethereal, highly textured or lost in the mist. It can be a playful subject to paint where you can combine a rich array of techniques or keep it simple and sketchy. There is no right or wrong way to paint mountains, but all are fun to explore.
This workshop looks at a wide range of approaches used by professional painters to illustrate rocks and mountains. Starting with constructing exercises for rock forms and mountain shapes when drawing which aid you to create believable 3d forms. Then we will move on to applying these ideas into paint to create believable rocks and mountains created without need of reference material. Lastly we will look at photographic reference material and see how the exercises help you enhance your ability to paint rock forms with confidence.
Jason's love of the mountains was cultivated over several adventure walking trips abroad and in this country. He has spent many years exploring which paint effects and approaches work well when painting mountains in watercolour. On this workshop he will be sharing his findings with you, concentrating on the techniques that can most quickly improve your mountain painting skills. Please bring your favourite medium with you.
Availability: No
Langwathby Village Hall £36.00 Workshop 7.
Jason Says:
Painting mountains is a delight in any medium. You can paint them to look broody and ominous or light and ethereal, highly textured or lost in the mist. It can be a playful subject to paint where you can combine a rich array of techniques or keep it simple and sketchy. There is no right or wrong way to paint mountains, but all are fun to explore.
This workshop looks at a wide range of approaches used by professional painters to illustrate rocks and mountains. Starting with constructing exercises for rock forms and mountain shapes when drawing which aid you to create believable 3d forms. Then we will move on to applying these ideas into paint to create believable rocks and mountains created without need of reference material. Lastly we will look at photographic reference material and see how the exercises help you enhance your ability to paint rock forms with confidence.
Jason's love of the mountains was cultivated over several adventure walking trips abroad and in this country. He has spent many years exploring which paint effects and approaches work well when painting mountains in watercolour. On this workshop he will be sharing his findings with you, concentrating on the techniques that can most quickly improve your mountain painting skills. Please bring your favourite medium with you.
Availability: No